Thursday, August 13, 2009

Our Trip to Idaho

Mid July the kids and I headed off to Idaho for 10 days(Ed doesn't get vacation in the Summer, so he didn't get to join us). We met up with Poppy in Reno at the Airport, he was nice enough to fly in and drive with us. The drive to Boise is long and there isn't much between Winnemucca and Boise, so I didn't really want do that on my own with young kids.

Poppy and Grandma had reserved a campsite at Payatte Lake and we camped for 6 days. We all had a really great time. This was Jacks first camping trip. I don't know if it was the excitement of it all or what but the first night Jack decided to run a high fever. What fun that was, and what a really long night. He finally shook it off and had lots of fun.

Uncle Eric and Aunt Katie and Tanner and Katie's mom, Jill and her husband Bill came up one day and hung out. The kids and Jill went Huckleberry picking and came back with lots. Which Jack and Emily enjoyed quite a bit. Of course I kept hearing, "mom, we need to head down the bathroom".

On one of the days we went to Cascade Lake and fished, played in the water and sand, and read, and some of us took naps. It was a very relaxing day.

The next day we went to a small lake/pond close to where we were camping and fished. It was a great day of fishing. Emily and Poppy started catching fish right away. Grandma Linda did really well and Jack caught a few. It took Max a little while but soon he was catching them too(although he wouldn't eat or drink until he caught one or two and he paid for it the next day). Brings back memories of a few years ago in Northern Idaho. Emily was so funny, we called her the "worm lady", she would take the worms out of the container but you had to bait your own hook. We caught 15 total, more than enough for dinner. Emily helped clean them and then all of the kids helped Poppy and I cook them. There is nothing better than a dinner of freshly caught fish.

Of course every night we had smores, although Jack mostly had marshmallows. Grandma Linda knows exactly what the kids need for smores.

We made so many great memories and are so thankful for our time with Poppy and Grandma Linda. Can't wait for our next adventure with them.

Yummo, fried trout

Getting ready to sit down to a yummy fish dinner.

The whole family caught 15 fish that day. Can you guess what we had for dinner?

We spent an afternoon fishing. What a great day.

Poppy and Jack hamming it up together.

A day of fishing, picnicking and playing at Cascade Lake.

Just like our last camping trip with Poppy, he and the kids got he birdie stuck in the tree. I think they have more fun trying to get it out then playing badminton.

Emily and Max had the great idea of wearing their goggles around the campfire. Kept the smoke out of their eyes but boy did they look goofy.

Emily feeding her new cousin, Tanner

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